Two events have been arranged by churches on behalf of Churches Together in Hitchin to mark the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. This year's theme is 'Be-longing: praying for unity amidst injustice'.

CTiH Prayer session
Sunday 22 January 6pm
Our Lady's Church, Hitchin
Our Lady's Church invites members of all churches to a prayer session around this year's theme. There will be refreshments following the session.

CTiH Taize service
Sunday 29 January 4pm
St Mark's Church, Hitchin
There will be a service at St Mark's Church in the Taize tradition around this year's theme with music, prayer and reflection led by the church choir and members of the congregation. Refreshments at the end, with members of all CTiH welcome to join together.
Materials for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2023 have been prepared by the churches of Minneapolis; click here to visit the CTBI website