At a time when Christianity and religiosity are in decline globally, it is always wonderful to hear news from churches that buck this trend and are growing the global family of Christ within their local community. One of theses fantastic stories comes from the Lajmi i mire (Good News) church in Lezhe, Albania.

We at WRBC Hitchin first heard about Lajmi i mire church from Harold & Barbara Liberty - Harold having paid a number of trips to the country at various points in the last few years. Last year (2018), we heard during one service that the church there had made the decision to rebuild the existing church on the present site, and saw photos of the present and proposed building - recognising the challenge facing the church having undertaken our own Link building project back in 2008. However we had linked the church to halls by building on a relatively clear plot of ground (former car-park) and certainly didn't envy the task of clearing the present site to rebuild the church.
Having heard about the project, we held a gift day to raise funds to assist with their rebuild. The money was sent through to the church via Harold, along with our continued prayers as part of God's family - and that was the last we heard about the church for a while. Well, no more!
Last week, we finally received wonderful news from Lezhe - they now have a complete building! All of the engineering and construction work, along with establishing the mains electrical power, has been completed with just the final fitting-out remaining to do. However with the structure in place and power on, the church is able to meet in their new building for the first time!
Lajmi i mire church will be holding the official opening over the weekend of October 5-6th which Harold is hoping to attend in person. We will of course be sending along our congratulations on their building project, and prayers for the continued development of the church within Lezhe and the surrounding community.
Next week: Why do churches work with or support other churches outside the UK?