For many years it has been our pattern to hold a service at which, as an act of love of remembrance, the names of loved ones who have died are read out, and when candles are lit for each one named too. Traditionally this service has been arranged for the last Sunday of June, and so in 2019 this lands on Sunday 30 June.

Letters inviting the submission of a name or names for the list to be read out are being sent out to those within and beyond the church family whose experience of bereavement is more recent, but the opportunity to submit a name is open to all friends, however long ago the bereavement occurred.
This year, we've also made it easier to nominate a name - just click here and fill in the form. A list will also be going up on one of the noticeboards at church shortly where names can be submitted, or indeed please feel able to make the request of our pastor Andrew directly –
Attendance at the service is not a requirement for having a name included, although of course all are welcome to join us as we gather for what is always a beautiful, worshipful and moving occasion.