Here is the latest round of updates from Churches Together in Hitchin (CTiH) members, including fundraising opportunities for Phase Hitchin.
“Elizabeth Siddall: Pre-Raphaelite Muse, Artist & Poet.”
Holy Saviour Church - Sunday 19 May 3pm
A Friends of Holy Saviour “Talk & Tea” event, with speaker Dr Selena Trowbridge
Although mostly remembered today as the face of Ophelia floating in the reeds in Millais’ painting and as the wife and muse of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Elizabeth Siddal was herself an artist and poet. Dr Trowbridge’s talk will go beyond the stereotypes to discover her as a creative woman in her own right. Tickets £10 (Friends £8) from 01462 646257 & Hitchin Initiative Office
Churches Together in Hitchin Council
Holy Saviour Church - Tuesday 21 May 8pm
The next CTiH council is this coming Tuesday, with tea/coffee from 7.30pm. There'll be reports on our work together and a presentation from Charmaine Smith, Youth Director of Generation Hope - an organisation that does important drug and alcohol education work with young people. You don't need to be a representative of a church to attend - all are welcome. More details from John Richardson or contact via the CTH website
Time Trek One Day Holiday Club
Tilehouse Street Baptist Church - Tuesday 28 May 1-4pm
Registration is open for the next Time Trek in the May half term - booking is open to children in reception to year 6. Places are free but children must be signed up in advance before Sunday 19 May. You can book your child's place by clicking here - more information can be obtained from Amanda, Office Manager for Phase Hitchin
Job Club
ZEO Centre - Wed 29 May 10am-12pm to 29 July
If you know of anyone looking for work, they can just turn up at ZEO Centre opposite Christchurch on Bedford Road. For more information, contact or click here
Free Film Night - Heaven is for Real
Westmill Community Centre - Friday 7 June 7pm
Built on Faith is hosting a free film night watching Heaven is for Real, which tells the story of 4yo Colton Burpo who says he experienced heaven during an emergency surgery. This is a moving portrayal of a little boy's testimony - all are welcome. For more information, contact Pastor Donald Smith on
Ecobricking with WRBC Hitchin - click here for more details
A simple and effective way to reduce your impact on the environment - you just need an empty 2-litre bottle and any non-recyclable plastic!
So far over 130 ecobricks have been left with us - have you made one yet?
Phase Updates
Helen has started her maternity leave although she has not yet had her baby! Lizzie Feltoe has joined as a new part time Admin Assistant to help Amanda in the office. She will start learning her new role from mid-May and will be in the Phase office on Wednesday and Friday mornings from September. Pause, Think, Act workshops have now been run in 3 Hitchin Primary schools and has been well-received. Creative Space has been renamed The Studio - there's lot of exciting activities planned including drama and aromatherapy workshops. There are two Flower festivals with proceeds donated to Phase - WRBC 'Celebrate' Flower Festival runs 8-9 June and Christchurch's runs 6-7 July.
Fundraising opportunities and updates with Phase
There are lots of ways you can help raise money for Phase and the first two help the
environment too!
Crisp packets - Christchurch Eco group are now recycling crisp packets and giving the proceeds to Phase. A collection box is in the welcoming area. Why not encourage your child / grandchild to start collecting them at their school each week?
Tassimo Coffee Pods - Our Lady’s church collect these and give the proceeds to Phase. It saves them going to landfill!
Amazon Smile - If you register with Amazon Smile you can now select Phase as your chosen charity and then a percentage of your purchases go to Phase. Put the link to Amazon Smile on your desktop & click that before ordering - no need to do anything more!
Dan Edwards has his fundraising abseil down the Arcelor Mittal Orbital tower in London on Saturday 18 May!
Emilie Wright (ZEO Church) and Luke Ankers are running in the London Vitality 10k in London on 27 May