We're delighted to announce that we at WRBC have now appointed a Family Worker. Miriam Sharpe will be starting work with us this month!

Miriam (Mim), seen here with the dog Moses, joins our church team after a number of years as a Team leader in the care sector with the Leonard Cheshire Home in Hitchin, bringing that experience and more to this new role.
What can we do next?
Let's join in offering our congratulations to Mim!
Let's be patient as things get started no doubt slowly, and not least remembering that she and Adam are getting married very shortly too!
Let's each and all of us commit to be encouragements for Mim throughout the time that she is employed with us.
Thank you for your prayers of late and going forwards - there are lots of challenges and lots of possibilities too!
Before long we trust that Mim will be contactable on familyworker@wrbchitchin.org.uk and on a mobile number to be advised - watch out for the next announcement!