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We are well aware of the quantity of information in the news relating to the current situation surrounding COVID-19. This page will be regularly updated with information relating directly to weekly operations at Walsworth Road Baptist Church and will also share the status of building users and groups. Click here for our latest COVID-19 documents


Group representatives - contact us about returning here


The church maintains sign-in lists of those entering the building for the purposes of NHS Test and Trace. From NHStracing? Sign-in lists and QR codes are managed by:

22:00  3 May 2022


As cases of Covid-19 continue to drop around the country, we have again reviewed our Return to WRBC plan. 

  • facemasks may be worn but are no longer required

  • 'Sit by a Smile' seating is maintained in the side pews for those who wish to remain socially distanced

  • hand-sanitiser will continue to be available throughout the building

14:00  4 March 2022


As restrictions are lifted around the country, we have reviewed our Return to WRBC plan. 

  • we request you wear a face-covering when moving about in the building but feel free to remove once seated

  • removal of 'Sit by a Smile' seating in the central pews (unrestricted seating) but maintained in the side pews for those who wish to remain socially distanced

  • hand-sanitiser will continue to be available throughout the building

14:00  15 December 2021


Due to the increasing risk posed by the Omicron variant, please note the following if joining in person:

  • face-coverings should be worn at all times when indoors - this includes when seated and when singing

  • 'Sit by a Smile' seating is maintained in the side pews for those who wish to remain socially distanced

  • hand-sanitiser will continue to be available throughout the building

14:00  8 October 2021


As the next step in our Return to WRBC plan, please note the following if you plan on joining in person:

  • removal of 'Sit by a Smile' seating in the central pews (unrestricted seating) but maintained in the side pews for those who wish to remain socially distanced

  • we request you wear a face-covering when moving about in the building but feel free to remove once seated

  • hand-sanitiser will continue to be available throughout the building

  • QR code posters and sign-in list will be available although there is no obligation to sign-in upon arrival (see 19 Aug)

15:00  22 August 2021


Since our Return to WRBC, we've been overwhelmed by the number who have chosen to return to worshipping in person - please note you are no longer required to sign-in (physical list or scan the QR code) upon arrival although the lists will be present. A number of our groups have paused over the summer holidays but look set to resume in the autumn term - please contact your group leader for details. Next month we'll be experimenting with our Sunday mornings as part of Reset at WRBC - check it out here

15:00  2 May 2021


As shared at our Zoom service earlier, we hope to begin welcoming people back into the building from next Sunday (9 May). The service in the building will be a projection of the service happening on Zoom and will also be subject to the protocols from our previous reopening (facemasks, Sit by a Smile seating, no singing, etc.) - for full details, click here

10:15  6 April 2021


Note that a small number of groups are now using our site regularly, these are meeting outdoors on the lawn but with access maintained to the toilets. Please be extra careful - wear a mask indoors, make sure to sign in, and use the sanitiser provided

22:30  25 March 2021


We have begun to receive emails from both returning groups and new groups making enquiries. Please make sure to contact our team on with anticipated start dates or if you think it may be a while yet - this will help us to best utilise the building over the following few months. Any groups using the building will need to supply a risk assessment to the above email for approval by leadership, and will be subject to latest government guidance

13:30  3 March 2021


Group leaders or representatives can contact us on to discuss start dates or planned return to the building. Any return will be subject to current government guidelines

22:05  22nd February 2021


Following tonight's message, the RSG (Recovery Steering Group) and church leadership team will discuss when it is deemed appropriate to reopen the church for Sunday worship, and in line with Baptist Union guidance (due to be updated later this week). For now, our buildings remain closed but church life continues online

21:15  4th January 2021


Following the PM's message this evening, the building remains closed for Sunday worship and all weekly gatherings. As per the latest guidance (4th Jan), we continue to open for private funeral services of up to 30 attendees only; please watch the Return to WRBC video

02:15  1st January 2021


Happy New Year from all at WRBC. As we enter 2021, North Hertfordshire remains under Tier 4 conditions and so all Sunday services and weekly gatherings in the building remain suspended

01:30  1st November 2020


In line with the PM's message yesterday evening, we are again suspending all physical services and meetings in the building as part of the four-week national lockdown. We will post an update on the shoebox project here shortly

13:00  27th September 2020


NHS Test & Trace QR posters are on display in the link building, church halls and Richard Johnson room. If you have the NHS app on your smartphone, please ensure to scan the QR code upon entry

09:00  10th September 2020


Please ensure to watch this video on the changes to worship before joining us for a service in the building

15:00  6th September 2020


The church maintains sign-in lists of those entering the building for the purposes of NHS Test and Trace. From NHStracing? You can contact the church on

12:00  22nd August 2020


An update has been published to Coronavirus Protocol 1 (Protocol for services of worship).

At this time on the advice of Government and the Baptist Union, anyone aged 70+ or with underlying health issues or who is otherwise vulnerable, should refrain from meeting of this kind and seek to use alternative methods of participation (e.g. electronic communications)

00:00  24th July 2020


We have begun emailing our groups and regular users of the building regarding their return to the premise in September (where permitted). We have also had a number of additional hire requests and so are working to fit these in around our current users. An information pack with FAQs will be included in the email sent the organiser / group lead

13:30  1st July 2020


We shall shortly be releasing protocols for both Worship and Visiting Groups on the Documents & Policies page. We understand groups would like to know if they are able to return in September and are working to provide answers to your questions - the Lettings Team will also be sending an update email to group leads/organisers soon so watch your inbox!

14:00  23rd June 2020


Following the government announcement that churches can reopen for services and weddings, we are actively pursuing the reopening of our building as soon as feasibly possible

21:00  9th June 2020


Following the government announcement that churches can reopen for private prayer, the Steering Group has met online to establish the procedures required prior to opening. A risk assessment is currently underway

08:00  27th April 2020


The second trio of jigsaw puzzles has gone live on the Activities tab - next three released Monday 4 May

15:00  25th April 2020


A page paying tribute to our NHS workers who have lost their lives to COVID-19 has gone live - click here

20:00  16th April 2020


With the lockdown extended by a further three weeks, there remains a significant demand on online services, including our website, to keep people entertained and engaged - head to the Activities tab for things to get involved in!

12:00  12th April 2020


Happy Easter! Great to have over 60 connections with friends, local and international, in this morning's service!

14:30  4th April 2020


Zoom have now introduced passwords and virtual waiting room as standard on all meetings. Church members can find the password in the members section; all non-members, please complete the form below to request the password (if we don't recognise your name and you haven't informed us you wish to join, you will not be admitted to meetings, sorry!)

16:00  26th March 2020


Sunday worship - join us on Zoom at 10.30am on Sunday 29 March. Meeting ID: 927-032-420

12:30  25th March 2020


At least one house group and our exercise class are exploring using Zoom to continue sessions online

11:00  22nd March 2020


Our first online service this morning was amazing - we estimate around 50 people engaged with us! Definitely worth repeating next week so watch this space for the next Meeting ID

10:00  21st March 2020


Success! Our first virtual prayer session seems to have gone well - great to see so many joining

18:00  19th March 2020


March Church Meeting - all church members should check their emails for an important message from Andrew

14:30  19th March 2020


Initial testing of video conferencing in the church ahead of a virtual prayer gathering on Saturday morning

08:45  18th March 2020


All 9th Hitchin Guiding groups (Rainbows, Brownies and Guides) are suspended indefinitely

22:10  17th March 2020


Full statement from the Minister will be released in the morning

22:00  17th March 2020


Full suspension of all WRBC services and gatherings. "Further to the Prime Minister's statement yesterday, the Baptist Union today issued a call to all Baptist churches to suspend all services and other meetings with immediate effect. The Deacons have met by video conference this evening, and confirmed this action for our own life together."

20:00  17th March 2020


An emergency Deacons meeting has convened to discuss the church's response to the COVID-19 pandemic

13:00  17th March 2020


Wrigglers and Tiddlers have taken the decision to cancel the group until further notice. - "If you need to self-isolate and need any help or a chat, please do ask"

10:30  17th March 2020


Open to God house group: Julie will be at home and free to meet Thursday 19th - no-obligation to attend if you'd rather stay at home. All following Open to God sessions cancelled until further notice

01:30  17th March 2020


Monkey Music classes have been suspended until at least after Easter - "This week numbers have already been low, and it is crucial we follow government advice"

20:30  16th March 2020


An emergency Deacons meeting has been scheduled to discuss COVID-19 and latest government recommendation

19:45  16th March 2020


Keep Fit! over 50s exercise class will meet Tuesday 17th March but is cancelled after that until further notice

17:50  16th March 2020


Following today's recommendation from the government, all 3rd Hitchin meetings (Beavers, Cubs and Scouts) are suspended with immediate effect - read the statement

Written by: Webmaster


Last updated: 15:00 08/06/2022

Walsworth road
Baptist church

Charity No: 1155718


Walsworth Road

Hitchin, SG4 9SP

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